In terms of trade, China is the third largest in the world, UK is No. 8. 中国在商品贸易上是世界第三大贸易国,英国排第8位。
It acted rather like a small or medium-sized economy that could only adapt to the international terms of trade. 中国当时表现得更像是一个中小型经济体,只能去适应国际贸易条款。
The sum of tourism and exports, plus the prospect of strong export growth as the terms of trade improve, should be sufficient for a euro exit strategy to work but only if it is well prepared and executed. 旅游业和出口部门的合计产值,加上贸易条款改善带来的出口强劲增长前景,应该足以使退出欧元区的战略奏效,但前提是要做精心准备并认真执行。
Empirical Analysis between Standards and Net Barter Terms of Trade in China 我国标准化与价格贸易条件的实证研究
Hong Kong imports US policy through its currency and interest rates but is most influenced by China in terms of trade and culture. 香港的汇率与利率受美国政策的影响,但在贸易与文化上受内地影响最大。
Improvement in terms of trade is limited as competition erodes price. 由于竞争压低了价格,贸易条件的改善就受到限制。
First, it is significant that the UK economy has benefited through an improvement in the terms of trade-the ratio of export prices to import prices. 首先,英国经济已从贸易条件(出口价与进口价的比率)的改善中获益,这一点意义重大。
Gross Barter terms of trade is the quantity of imports divided by the quantity of exports. 进口总额除以出口总额为总易货贸易条件。
Finally, this paper focuses on the main factors that have effects on changes of Zhejiang's terms of trade, and gives some proposals to improve its terms of trade. 文章最后重点分析了入世后影响浙江贸易条件变动的主要因素,并提出了改善其贸易条件的对策建议。
But as one of only two net exporters of oil and gas in Asia, its terms of trade should benefit. 但作为亚洲仅有的两个油气净出口国之一,马来西亚的贸易条件应该会受益。
Realistically, Japan and the United States will need each other to counterbalance China, encouraging it to become a responsible world power in terms of trade, the environment, and other issues. 实际上,日本和美国在制衡中国上都需要对方,鼓励中国在贸易、环境和其他问题上成为负责任的大国。
The fluctuation of terms of trade is very small under the influence of rate of exchange and the international price level, and it almost is free from the influence of the local price level. 贸易条件的变动受汇率和国际价格水平的影响非常小,与国内价格水平也无明显关系。
In the immediate future the biggest impact will be in terms of trade and finance. 在近期,最大的影响将会是在贸易和金融方面。
The Analysis in Terms of Trade Basing on Processing Trade 基于加工贸易的贸易条件测度与分析
If the home industry makes too much, it will depress the price of its exports on world markets, damaging the country's terms of trade, and hurting workers. 如果本国产业产量过多,将会打压该产品在国际市场上的出口价格,从而恶化该国的贸易条件,伤害该国工人。
Deteriorating terms of trade has universality and relativity; 贸易条件恶化具有普遍性和相对性;
The paper attempts to find a new perspective for the research of the terms of trade and guides production and international trade in theory. 本文试图为贸易条件的研究找到一个新的方向,并从理论上起到指导生产和国际贸易的作用。
The growth of consumerism: a rise in the renminbi will improve China's terms of trade with the rest of the world by giving Chinese consumers more for their money. 消费主义的发展:人民币升值,中国消费者用同样的钱将可买到更多的商品,这将改善中国对世界其它地区的贸易条件。
An Empirical Analysis of the Variations and Fluctuations in China's Terms of Trade with EU 中国同欧盟贸易条件变化和波动情况的经验分析
Reengineering the Theory of Scale Economy and the Improvement of Terms of Trade of Our Country 规模经济基础性重构与我国贸易条件的改善
In an open economy, the terms of trade between industrial goods and food can be stabilized by international prices. 在开放性经济中,工业品和粮食的贸易条件可以由国际价格来稳定。
All distort the terms of trade within a country. 他们全都扭曲了国内的贸易条件。
There is also a track record between China and Australia in terms of trade and economic co-operation. 此外,中澳两国在经贸合作方面有着多年的历史。
In the context of a transformation in international economic relations, in terms of trade, comparative advantages, circulation of capital, techniques and persons, intellectual property had become even more important. 在国际经济关系转型的大背景下,从贸易的角度来看,比较优势、资本流通、技术与人才以及知识产权变得日益重要。
The index on comprehensive terms of trade of modern China presenting decline trend explains the economic profit of China's merchandise commutation outward declining continuously. 近代中国的综合贸易条件指数整体呈下降趋势,说明中国在对外进行商品交换过程中的相对经济利益是不断下降的。
EU-Chinese relations are perceived primarily in terms of trade, investment and exchange rates. 在人们的眼中,中欧关系目前主要限于贸易、投资与汇率。
North-South Trade and the Determining of China Terms of Trade: an Empirical Study 南北贸易模式与中国贸易条件决定模型实证研究
The relationship between the capital-labor ration in China industrial products and the change in the terms of trade validates the theoretical model initially. 通过中国工业品行业的资本劳动比和贸易条件变化的关系,初步验证了该理论模型。
Analysis of the Factors Affecting China's Price Terms of Trade from the Perspective of Internal and External Balance 我国价格贸易条件的影响因素分析&基于内外部均衡的视角
Research on the Relations Between Terms of Trade and Trading Benefit in China 我国贸易条件与贸易利益增长关系的研究